2. Wait for us to confirm your order and price.
3. Upon confirmation, transfer funds into designated account stated.
*Payment must be made within 24 hours after order confirmation is received.
**Failure to do so may result in cancellation of the order.
All confirmation will be made through EMAIL or SMS.
*Please notify us dashmuslima@yahoo.com.sg after making the payments and include the transaction no.(if any), amount transferred, date & time transfer was made.
4. We only accept full payment. This is to facilitate faster processing and delivery of orders. Items will be sent out promptly once the shipment arrives Singapore.
5. All prices are exclusive of local delivery postage. Customers can choose the mode of delivery. Refer to "Delivery" section below for the rates.
6. The products will arrive Singapore in approximately 2 working* days (not inclusive of local delivery time). Shipment may be subjected to delay at times. Late payment of order often results in a delay of the product's arrival time.
7. I will then mail the items out as soon as possible.
5. All prices are exclusive of local delivery postage. Customers can choose the mode of delivery. Refer to "Delivery" section below for the rates.
6. The products will arrive Singapore in approximately 2 working* days (not inclusive of local delivery time). Shipment may be subjected to delay at times. Late payment of order often results in a delay of the product's arrival time.
7. I will then mail the items out as soon as possible.
DashMuslima®, All rights reserved
SMS (+65 9390 1345)
SMS (+65 9390 1345)